

Silver carabiner- Sample Product

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Silver carabiner- Sample Product


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    Why choose I. L. T. G. C. for my outdoor gear?

    I. L. T. G. C is providing all the information for you to find and prepare for your camping. We offer extensive options for trusted campers in the country, along with outdoor gear. We will help you drive around, stay close to nature, and spend the night under the stars and wherever your destination may be. We educate people on camping and provide tutorials as well. We provide you with amazing products for camping and survival.

    Renting a camper is one of the best ways to make your road trips exciting and dreams come true. It is a comfortable vehicle to travel with your family and pets and take all the luggage you need in it. You can visit any new place and camp around and explore a whole new different world. Most of them would spend their vacation renting a camper, leave the city hustle, and enjoy nature.

    We also offer camping tips including how to work while camping, cooking, survival, and other helpful information while you make the most of the great outdoors! 

    When you give us a call, you will be connected directly to our friendly staff, so you can expect immediate attention to your inquiry. So don’t wait. Call now! 

    What methods of payment do you accept?

    When purchasing our outdoor gear we accept all major credit and debit cards including, but not limited to Amex, Visa, Mastercard, and Express. We also accept payments via PayPal for the convenience of our customers. If you do not see your preferred payment method listed, please give us a call so we may assist you.

    How do you ship your products?

    We ship all outdoor gear via the USPS. Due to this, the USPS determines all shipping rates for our outdoor gear using the size, shape, and weight of the order.

    How do I contact you?

    To contact us by email, call us at 563-249-0172, or send us a form via the website.

    Privacy Policy

    We do not sell your information to any third parties. Our website is 100% secure and we only ask for your contact information, such as phone number and email, so that we can contact you about your order, or if you have any questions. We do not sell this information. We do not require any other additional information such as social security numbers. At check-out, we require credit card information for payment processing, but this information will not be stored or shared by the company. Personal information such as name and address will also be kept private under our privacy policy guidelines.

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